f Mansi Rathod

Coding Languages

Experienced in Python, R, C/C++, C#, Java, HTML, CSS

Data Wrangling

SQL: PostgreSQL, SCOPE, Hive, NoSQL, MySQL AWS Redshift, Microsoft Azure SQL

Machine Learning

Confident of developing ML models from scratch with and without scikit-learn. Solid understanding of the model equations and maths beneath it

Design & Model Deployement

Built interactive web-apps for my machine learning projects and deployed them on AWS EC2 and heroku


Love story telling through Tableau, Dash, Plotly (Python framework), and PowerBI.

Tools Used

Github, VS Code, Google Analytics, MS Office;
Libraries: Keras, NLTK, Pandas, NumPy, Scikit-Learn (sklearn), Matplotlib, Seaborn, OpenCV, Dplyr, Tidyverse

My Projects

Click on the images to learn more about my projects. Have fun!

Mar 20, 2020 | Python

Built a Movie-Recommendation-System using Netflix and IMDB data

In this project I have developed a movie recommendation system using netflix and imbd datasets. The goal is to provide a personalised streaming experience of movies & tv series based on user's preference. Have build a web-app using Dash and deployed it on heroku.

Jan 15, 2020 | Python

Perform document classification using NLP and feature engineering

Demonstrated document classification using different models- Naive Bayes, Logistic Regression, Random Forest, XGBoost, Shallow Neural Network, Convulational Neural Network, RCNN. Classified the document into four defined categories: World, Sports, Business, Sci/Tec

Dec 18, 2019 | R, Python, Tableau

Vehicular Collision Prediction for NYC Traffic

With statistical hypothesis testing & significance criteria, I've probed into the New York Moving Vehicle dataset to understand how differences in crash times, weather conditions, and driver’s alcohol and drug intake influence an injury developing from vehicular collisions.

Apr 10, 2020 | Python

Built Logistic Regression without scikit-learn

In this project I have created and trained a logistic regression model to classify the mails as spam or not. I have implemented concepts such as fast gradient descent, backtracking and more.

Jan 25, 2019 | R

A replication study to estimate the production function for housing

The aim of the project is to replicate a key scientific claim of one of the papers published in the American Economic Review that estimates the production function for housing.

May 5, 2020 | Python

Building Linear SVM on Vowel Dataset

Using Standford's Vowel dataset, have built a linear support vector machine with hubrized hinge loss to predicting the right vowel.

Awarded the GHC Student Scholarship for Year 2020. GHC scholarship is awarded to outstanding women in Technology to attend the prestigious Grace Hopper Celebration.

AnitaB.org, USA

Year 2020

Awarded 'Above & Beyond Call of Duty' amongst 500 employees for supporting business decisions with exemplary work quality, analytical thinking and dedication towards goal complettion.

OYO, India

Year 2018

With GPA of 8.81/10 (non-relative grading), ranked 3rd in class of 90 students for 3 consecutive years from 2013 to 2016 & awared Bachelors degree with Honors.

NIT Raipur India

Year 2016

Secured 2nd prize in Science Project Exhibition at NIT Raipur's Tecnical Festival. Created platform to enable online resource sharing amongst students & teachers.

NIT Raipur India

Year 2015